“I love that smell of the emissions.”
Sometimes you don’t have to say anything, because Motorcycle Mama–and motor mouth–Sarah says it all herself.
Sometimes you don’t have to say anything, because Motorcycle Mama–and motor mouth–Sarah says it all herself.
Palin Rolling Thunder 😉
One Nation Bus ride to NoWhere Song by Sarah Palin
Joe NOway
Will be going nowhere
On my bus from somewhere
I’m taken my bus to somewhere!
On the road to nowhere!
We on the road nowhere!
Rallying the ignorance of America
Most of them in the back woods.
I see the money in my check
Piling up faster and faster
I’m taking your money somewhere
Right to saks fifth avenue
Listen to the audio—she says A-missions
You can also say that her face says it all. Yes, she’s ugly inside and outside.
Here’s a good video. You can hear her ask Jason Recher, her advance man, “what’s the plan?”. The vets and riders don’t sound very happy at the press rushing their bikes when Sarah planned stop happens.
My husband is a Vietnam vet. He worked as a medic flying out the POWs like McCain. Later he worked for a time for the VA. He’s told me stories (when he can talk about it) of the bad shape the soldiers were in as they came home. And stories of veterans, proud men, who were almost apologetic about coming for treatment with the veterans programs once they were out of uniform and he said that one of the things that made him feel best was to be able to say to them “This is your country saying thank you for what you went through, what you did for it.”
And that’s what this event today is supposed to be about. Honoring all those men and women. An American event. Turned into a Palin photo-op.
And when I look at the photos of this tart posing and preening in her leather (Politicususa pegged her “Pinky Tuscadero”) and pretending the crowd was there for her and co-opting an event that is meant to honor the soldiers, even as I know she’ll be out stinking up the air of New England with her emissions about “our troops” I could positively throw up.
We’ve had cheap politicians in America. All parties, all generations. They pop up as surely as weeds. But usually, even with the cheapest and most opportunistic, there are some lines on doesn’t cross. She zoomed right over one today. That the GOP could even contemplate making this disrespectful sleaze Commander-in-Chief over the very troops she mocked today with her presence tells me all I need to know about that party.
She is a disgrace. She’s gone from being a joke, to be a trouble maker to being an abject disgrace.
I sincerely believe that Sarah and todd were seeing their bank accounts go down because of all of their recent purchases, face lifts, shield offices set up, attorneys, etc. She has to make that last ditch effort to get more money. Her speaking fees have all but dissappeared as well.
She is not running for president.
Should have written it on her hand.
Well said.
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing!
Keep them coming Sarah. Yours is Emission Impossible.
She wasn’t there because of the vets, the MIAs, and the POWs. She was there because she was badly in need of a fix for her narcissism.
Joe, I’ve been thinking about what you are saying that she will definitely run for POTUS in 2012. I think she wants to badly, but she may not be able to. Her poll numbers are too low, the Republican power brokers don’t support her, and I think there’s a good possibility they’ll get Rick Perry to run (who’s almost as charismatic as she is, but with a stronger track record). So, while I agree with you that she wants it, she may be logistically edged out. But I do think she’ll definitely try and stick around for a run in 2016 no matter what happens this year.
Compare Sarah’s stunt today with President Obama’s Joplin Missouri visit. I should not have mentioned them in the same sentence.
Amen. Beautifully said Fressia. She truly sickens me.
So Palin loves the smell of emissions. That explains why she is so disfunctional. She has been inhaling those emissions for too long.
I second the “well said” comment.
Sometimes I check in with myself imagining some other known person including a male showing up in a costume to pretend they are one of them (classic malignant narcissistic tactic). I agrees this character crossed a line. She did not disappoint.
Thank you for presenting if elected she would be commander in chief over troops. I feel sickened.
She looks ridiculous in the photo above. It looks like she’s saying, hey, media look at me, I’m on a Harley!
Using the vets to draw attention to herself…she really is a sleezebag.
Oh say it aint so!!! I can’t stand it for that long.
Doesn’t matter that she crosses lines. That what she established for herself with the ROGUE title. It pretty much gives you license to do anything you fucking want, and then be seen as being admirably true to form instead of depraved and dangerous, like she branded her brother-in-law by calling him rogue. Somebody at some point today pissed her off enough that she made the moue, and it was caught beautifully on camera. I only hope, when she comes LA way, that I get to be the one doing the shouting that pisses her off even more.
You’ve been fighting against this insane woman with words for a long time, Freesia. I have to admire your fortitude.
You’re so right, in your comment this time too.
“I love that smell of the emissions.”
well if you love it so much, breathe deep, quitter, breathe very very deep.
sorry, couldn’t resist. another example of how the woman does not think before she spews.
You can’t take the trash out of trailer trash, no matter what size McMansion they live in.
Huffing gas is a serious problem in AK. Wonder if that’s why she has so few firing neurons…
I can only say “No Comment”.
NYT like all media is selling hype…all desperate to survive. . . . . .
she may try to run…..
she may do a pretend run for the attention/money,
as shown she needs someone to have a premade crowd
or few will show as was shown by the few bused into Madison and they were given free rides with proly free coffee and donuts by the KockBrothas. . . .
What an utter sleaze that cretin is.
I love the smell of emissions = political statement promoting the use of fossil fuels and criticizing legislation to protect the environment from said fossil fuels.
When is the FEC going to call her on her bullshit? If it walks, talks, quacks, and costs like a campaign, it’s a campaign. Is SarahPAC allowed to pay for her campaign, and for the family’s personal expenses?
Before hopping on the back of a Harley and riding out among the first wave of riders, HuffPost asked Palin about the reason for her popularity — what does she think representing ‘Real America’ actually means?
And for one brief moment, she stopped smiling and wasn’t quite so sure what to say next.
That darn liberal media! They’ll get her every time with those GOTCHA! questions!